Become a Referrer

  1. Step 1 of 6
  2. Step 2 of 6
  3. Step 3 of 6
  4. Step 4 of 6
  5. Step 5 of 6
  6. Step 6

    Referring a Participant, Client or Patient to Sunrise Care Aus
    If you have any questions, please call us on 07 3106 0301
    Programme type*

    Referrer details:

    Client / Participant details:

    Primary contact / Plan nominee (If applicable):

    Disability information:

    For individual supports (disability support worker) we cannot accept participants with a Behavioural Support Plan because we are not set up to meet the additional requirements for providers when a BSP is in place.
    For nursing services, we can accept participants with a BSP for our partners.

    Service requirements*

    OHS assessment

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    (Max. File size: 128 MB)